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Steven Steven_Shield_WD

Steven Quartz Universe

For President


A human-Gem hybrid as a result of his parentage, Steven is an extraordinarily unique being with innate powers beyond that of both normal humans and Gems. While only a child, Steven has steadily grown from a tag-along to the Crystal Gems into the team's unofficial leader thanks to his kind-hearted nature and resourcefulness. Though he is part of a monumental legacy, Steven is devoted to fulfilling his destiny as protector of humanity, just as his mother was before him.


    Steven is an optimistic, friendly, outgoing, soft-hearted and carefree boy with a happy-go-lucky attitude that is appreciated by many of the citizens of Beach City in one way or another. He is musically inclined, a trait he inherits from his father, with a propensity for breaking out into song and occasionally playing on his ukulele. Steven is also very compassionate, something which Pearl notes he inherits from his mother, and he treasures his friends and family. He is friendly toward almost everyone he meets (even to his detriment), rarely holds grudges, and is very non-discriminatory, never treating anyone with prejudice, even his enemies. No matter the situation, Steven will always go out of his way to support his loved ones, even if it means putting his life on the line, and he will avoid resorting to violence if possible. He would much rather make a compromise and choose to reason than fight back.